In dealing with the media, the skill of writing a press release was learnt in journalism module. For example, how to write articles using the inverted pyramid model, how not to write it in a promotional style as journalists often re-write it anyway, and to pitch a press release using a certain angle that is interesting to the reader etc. The picture on the left actually reveals how the public/journalists views pr practitioners through press releases. Due to its promotional nature, press releases are often exaggerated and unbelievable, hence, pr practitioners must often keep in mind ethics while at work.
Something else that interest me was media kits and case histories. I think it is a smart all-in-one package that is useful for a journalist. However, care must be taken to ensure it is not packaged too much like a 'bribery kit' instead.
Yes, focusing on the correct angle is really important and I feel that Public Relations practitioners should try not to over-exaggerate press releases as the main motive of writing press release is to raise awareness and not scare the public with unbelievable news. Also, truth is really important in building the relationship between the public and the organisation as both parties do not each other and it is through the truth that healthy relationships are formed.